This big man in the back seat of my little Prius aka Betty White was HYSTERICAL! This was last night after church and dinner with one of our littles. Dennie somehow ended up in the back seat with her getting the front and I couldn't help but snap a picture of this debacle. We were rolling!
It made me think though of what we do to God sometimes...or better yet a lot of the time...we put Him the small spaces...we put Him in a nice pretty package on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings if we are doing real good...we put Him in the really great times when we are thanking Him for a very apparent blessing and we put Him in the spaces that we feel lost and want Him to "take over" because we don't know what else to do.
God is too big and too passionate about us to be stuck in these small spaces. He wants the front seat...actually He wants and we need to give him the drivers seat. He is capable of more than we could ever ask or imagine. He is capable and willing to be there in every space and when we open our spaces to that guidance and love the outcomes are far better than we could ever fathom.
I have been claiming this year...and frankly the rest of the years that God fills my lungs with be Ephesians 3:20 life giving years. I have truly been "trying" to be less controlling of my circumstances and instead be prayerful. The freedom this has brought...the peace in knowing that God has this, has been more glorious than I could have ever imagined. God has and will continue to show up in BIG ways! He knows my heart...He formed it...He knows what I need...and He knows the plans He has for me! Open your hearts, minds, and lives to Him! He is the best travel agent you'll ever find...he'll take you places for His glory you could never have imagined!