This season has been spent getting shaken up and uncomfortable for what God has laid on my heart. I felt His not so gentle tugging to use my voice in lots of different ways....for sweet precious patients and parents who need an advocate....for souls that are searching and feeling isolated....for daughters who need to know a strong and confident momma so that they know they can do anything as long as it is called according to His purpose....and to be a friend and wife in times that are not pretty or easy or all wrapped up with a bow.
I have never been so happy to see a year come and go. This has been one for the record books, but I am so blessed to say through all the heartache God has brought me out on the other side a stronger daughter ready to be ALL IN! Ready to hear His sweet voice in my ear and surrender all I have and all I am to His purpose. This picture is a teaser of one of those really exciting things coming down the pike! The precious woman in this picture with me is one of those gifts...her encouragement, her ear, and her heart have been just what I needed and she is for sure sent from heaven! I am so excited what we have coming in the New Year and hope that all we do will ALWAYS glorify His name!
#twosmalltowngirls #myMelissa #theseJesusgirlsareonfire
Can't wait to see what #twosmalltowngirls can do!!! ❤️