Bloggin' It

Monday, August 8, 2016

Rest for the Soul

I have discovered...okay I really already knew...that I have not been a very good listener up until this point.  I like to debate...I like to think about what I will say without really listening to what is being said to me first...I like to be right.  That's what being a Type A, perfectionist, high achiever maniac will get you. So this brings me to the beautiful scripture on this amazing picture I took this morning while walking on Folly Beach with my girls.  I need rest...I need to actively listen to the Lord...I need to hear his call for some peace and quiet in my life.  I need to get back to my quiet time with him and making time to really listen to his calling and quite my voice in my own head.  I have been running and running and running until finally something had to give.  So let's be honest...I have to work...I love my many jobs...I love my role as mom and wife and support for the ones I love.  So many big things are happening this year.  It is the beginning of senior year for Madie...Landry is starting 7th grade...Dennie is entering his second year as head football coach and athletic director...I have a challenging and rewarding job that keeps me away from home a lot...we are selling our house...we are building a new one...the list goes on and on.  And then there are the things I haven't made time for...I have hardly gone to church all summer...I have cooked maybe 4 meals for my family all summer...I have been in my war room maybe three times...and to be truthful all three of those times were when I was on my knees crying out to my precious Father to help me figure all of those things listed above out.  It wasn't time spent praising Him.  It wasn't time truly listening to His calling...truly hearing the words He was speaking to my soul.  
Melissa and I started the podcast as a way to connect to one another and provide encouragement and community for women and I really think we did that.  We are proud of what the Lord used us to do...we hope that someone was touched by what the Lord spoke to them through us, but we feel like right now he is calling us to a season of rest.  We know just as with every other season there will be rebirth.  We are hoping for a rebirth through rest.  We are going to take a break and focus on our families for a while...truly pour into the lives that the Lord has blessed us with.  We won't be gone forever...these Two Small Town Girls will be back...we just know right now with the start of school and football and new life adventures we must listen to His calling and hit pause for a little while.  We will continue to post on our social media platforms and maybe even blog here and there, but for right now...for this season...there won't be any new podcasts.  Thank you so much to all of you who supported our crazy idea...and we hope you continue to do so.  We hope when this hiatus is over that we will be back refreshed and better than ever.  We trust in the Lord that His plan is is Divine and His calling is always just right.  Thank you sweet supporters for loving us through every season...

1 comment:

  1. you're the greatest mom God could've blessed with all my quirkiness!! love you
