Bloggin' It

Monday, October 24, 2016

Same in any language...

Today I'm boarding another flight and looking at another screen as the flight crew goes over necessary safety information.  I'm being an insubordinate flyer...I'm not listening....I'm drowning the instructions out with my headphones in and Audible in my ear.  I know this information...I've heard it a thousand times and so why should I continue to listen every time I book is far more interesting.  
This made me think about what I do with the Father on a pretty consistent basis.  I chose to block out His whispers for time with him for all the other things.  I tell myself I've read that devotional...I've done that bible study...I've listened to that podcast...I'm busy...I have work to accomplish...I have so much going on in general...God knows my heart (He does) and He knows this is a busy season for me and my love for Him has not waned.  The reasoning goes on and on, yet like everything else time is love and time spent with Him is not what His soul is what mine needs and longs for.  
I have spent the better part of this year in fast forward, and for the most part my earthly flesh has loved every minute of it.  That's a hard pill to swallow and even harder words to write across this screen.  That's insubordination to my own soul and to a Father who asks for nothing but my heart.  It's no wonder that I've not slept well, been stressed, gained 20 lbs, and been running on fumes...the best part of my cup has not been filled and I've done a lot of soul neglecting.  The struggle has been real and I've been ignoring the instructions.  These instructions come in any language I could ever want to read them in and are without a doubt the most uncomplicated instructions we will ever be given.  BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.  His word is full of simple instruction...we are His and He loves us no matter the season or circumstance.  PERIOD...there's no small print...nada...nothing...just a Father and His precious child who He formed.  He knew the paths I would take...knows this hard head and brain that never stops...knew that I would require more than a whisper sometimes.  Today sitting on this plane He spoke LOUD and CLEAR...YOU need time with me!  Note He didn't say I need time with you.  He is the patient one...He is the one who waits for His insubordinate child to listen to His calling for my own good.  Today I heard Him...I took the time to listen and I prayed that He would fill my heart and mind with His words and wants and not those of my earthly flesh.  It's against the grain and soul soaking, but exactly what this daughter of the King should be asking for.  

Thank you Lord for knowing and loving your girl.  You're a GOOD GOOD Father!  

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