Bloggin' It

Thursday, November 3, 2016


I came to a conclusion this morning...I am the daughter of a Father in heaven who knows His girl way better than she knows herself....I know I know this is not some big revelation.  I think I just forget to remember that when I am burning the candle at both ends.  I am not strong...except through Him...I am not patient...except through Him...I am not still...except when I am WITH HIM.  

This morning I was still.  I sat on this porch and listened to the waves crash and observed His magnificent glory beautifully painted in front of me.  I did my devotional and filled my cup with His words.  I haven't done this in months...and I am not just talking the fact that I am getting the pleasure of sitting on a screen porch looking at the ocean...I am talking I have not spent intentional time with my Father in months.  I have let the rush of the day....the flesh of my wants....and the never ending to do list get in front of exactly what my soul needs and desires.  

Today my devotional centered on Luke 23:26-43.  These verses describe the scene when Jesus was led away carrying the cross.  This part of Jesus' story always pains and renews me at the same time.  It reminds me, that just like the criminal in the story who confesses his crimes and asks Jesus to remember him when going into His kingdom, we are forgiven by simply confessing and allowing Jesus to live and dwell in everything we say and do....following Him with all we are.  Not following a set of legalistic rules...not "performing" as every good Christian should...not bound by fear of retribution for our wrongs...JUST GRACE...not our grace (whoa that would be bad) BUT BY HIS GRACE ALONE!  That is the renewing part of that story, and while the acknowledgement of Jesus hanging on that cross and being persecuted for my freedom and nothing He did is painful and humbling, there is such freedom and grace in His story.  He wrongfully hung on a cross for crimes He didn't commit and did so knowingly...knowing long before this ever took place that He came here to die in this way to save us.  There is NO GREATER LOVE...PERIOD. For this love and grace I am eternally thankful and renewed.  Thank you Lord for your love and grace---to you be ALL the glory!  
Take freedom in knowing this love, peace, and renewal in your is beyond any words I could ever write on this page.

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