Bloggin' It

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Not Perfect...Just Forgiven!

I love social media...okay so you can say it...thank you for that revelation Captain Obvious...but truly I do.  It is a way to keep in touch with people no matter the distance, it's a way to share joy and sorrow, express congratulation and condolence, more importantly it's an enormous platform to share the love of a precious Father.  But you know what else it is...or can be...the devil's playground.  It provides the same platform for people to feel less than, attacked, singled out, jealous, and discontent.  I felt the Lord speaking to me today to be very transparent.  What do we (for the most part) put on social media?  The filter...
We take 5 pics until we get the right one or we post the successes without all the failures that led up to that success.  It's kind of like when you hear a new music artist and it's easy to think gosh they're so lucky, but we don't think about all the years of hard work and struggle it took to get there. It's easy to forget about that when we see the one perfectly filtered and timed picture in front of us.  But the beauty in this is the God sees us through that filter everyday.  We're not lucky...we are forgiven.  I can promise that my people would tell you that there are many times that the witch with a B is front and center. I'm tired and short tempered...I want space when they already haven't had enough of my time...I want a clean and tidy house when I get home with no regard for what their week has looked like...there is a passion in me that sometimes...okay lots of times...comes across as fiery and bossy BUT I AM FORGIVEN...I am not perfect but He is and loves exactly who He made me to be...He sees me through the filter of a Father's love and there is no love more perfect.  The struggle is real y'all and I'm just #crazythankful for forgiveness.  Really the point to this post wasn't to point out all...oh believe me there are faults but to truly and loudly proclaim His love for us regardless.  I hope you experience the same freedom I do just from reading those words.  Thank oh Lord for putting them on my heart this morning.  

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