Bloggin' It

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sometimes the NOT great is overshadowed by the GREAT...

As anyone who loves me well knows...I really love my warm cozy bed...I really love not seeing 5am come up on the clock...and I really love my sleep even though I function on just a little bit.  Some days just don't go as planned, some days are hard, and some days you just want to hide under the covers.  Monday brought us one of those mornings, and then convinced Tuesday to deliver the same.

Monday Dennie's truck decided that it would be fun to break down, and by break down I mean pour smoke profusely out of the front grill.  So on Tuesday when it was necessary to get up at 5am, be presentable for human interaction, and get Dennie to St. John's by 6:45am I was feeling very sorry for myself.  But as always the NOT great ended up being REALLY GREAT when I let God re-frame and refocus.  I had an hour and fifteen minutes of uninterrupted quiet time with the Lord.  An hour and fifteen minutes to devote to hearing His sweet voice quiet my busy mind and troubled heart.  An hour and fifteen minutes to sip coffee and immerse myself in His sacred word.  The words that allowed me to hear the truth that when we focus our sight on God and His blessings we will continue to be humbled by His grace.   

Humility is not an easy accomplishment, and pride is one of our biggest enemies.  Pride gets in the way of our relationship with Him and all He wants to accomplish through us.  This pride is such a double edged slights Him and without any doubt destroys us.  In all we do, no matter the success, ALL the glory is His.  It is through Him that all things are possible.  It is in our weakest moments, and when doubt clouds our minds, that we have to rely on this simple truth...We are His and He loves us with a love so passionate that we should be humbled enough to give Him the glory in all things.  

In these moments of despair when I really want to throw my head under the covers and hide I have found my greatest joy while humbling myself before Him.  Above all else I need to keep my eyes and heart trained on Him, and put no one and nothing else before Him.  I long to glorify Him in all that I do!

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