I have struggled recently with how to balance this life I love...knowing full well that there really is no balance. This is a life of give and take...of abundance and sacrifice...of sometimes saying no to be able to say yes. God has taken me on quite a journey to learn that lesson. He has allowed me to feel abandoned to show me that He will never abandon me. He has been there when I felt abused and lead me through with His quite whispers of love and grace. He has seen me rejoice in the love of the ones He gave me to do this life with and prompted me to recognize His glory in it all. He has carried me through the times of loss and heartache and helped me see that I.am.never.alone. He has guided me through academic and professional set backs and then achievements only to teach me more whole heartedly that He is always in the details. He has brought me into a quiet and passionate relationship with Him through His word. He has taught me that His word is the compass for my life...ALWAYS!
No matter the give or take...the ups or downs...the heartache or the rejoicing that occurs in this life...He is the reason for the beauty in it all. My favorite song right now is Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. That's what He is...He is the best daddy we could ever ask for and one day I can't wait to hug His neck and tell Him how thankful I am for who He is!
#Jesusgirl #goodgoodFather #giveandtake #blessedandthankful
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